Khalfaoui, K.; Zorn, M.; Ségoufin, C.; André, F.; Kerner, J.; Riedelbauch, S.: Dynamic stress prediction for a Pump-Turbine in Low-Load Conditions: Experimental validation and phenomenological analysis, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024.
Gebrewold, D.; Riedelbauch, S.; Dribssa, E.: Hydraulic design of a very low head axial turbine for clean energy option at Tana-Beles sugar irrigation canal in Ethiopia, Energy for Sustainable Development, 2024.
Raj, R.; Tismer, A.; Gaisser,L.; Riedelbauch, S.: A deep learning approach to calculate elementary effects of morris sensitivity analysis, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024.
Rentschler, T.; Berkemeier, M.; Fraas, S.; Tismer, A.; Raj, R.; Peitz, S.; Riedelbauch, S.: Multi-criteria hydraulic turbine optimization using a genetic algorithm and trust-region postprocessing, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024.